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After Covid 19 Stepping up on our game of beauty and learning path...


So, like many other businesses Leegerem took the time to reinforce our goal of giving our customers a quality experience. Even, when we decided to relocate for a more relax area an better parking space, we did struggle like other businesses, we closed a lot of our marketing, and re arrange expenses, adding a little more peace of mind, so we can continue giving a good service, but with a twist.

We added more training hours to our schedule and know professionals of the beauty industry can come at any time and any day and get the training and new knowledge that they need to be able to give their customers better services and new services that will not interfere with the Covid 19 restrictions.

This new twist is a new location, and a room that will serve our professional trainings and at the same time will give the comfort to our customers to be able to get services done in a more affordable price.

So, from the family of Leegerem to your family and business we welcome our client to our new location at 701 W Broad street Bethlehem, Pa 18018…

We will serve only by appointment and our trainings are created for professionals with license.

Sincerely Leegerem

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